Enviro.Farm Systems, Inc


Enviro.Farm Systems, Inc

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Check out our brief explainer to learn about the Enviro.Farm Revolution.

What We Do

A Profitable Solution to Agricultural Pollution


The Problem

Agriculture is the world’s oldest, largest and most essential industry. Industrialized food production and distribution has become the world’s worst emitter of greenhouse gases and the world’s largest source of ammonia/PM2.5 air pollution, directly contributing to global climate disruption and resulting in billions of dollars annually in avoidable public health expenses.


The Solution

Introducing the Enviro.Farm System™ – a simple, sustainable, proven solution that has the potential to transform the poisonous, dangerous nature of contemporary agriculture.


The Opportunity

Farmers want to do the right thing, replace their toxic practices, and become part of the solution, but they’re trapped in the unsustainable agrochemical paradigm. Corporate lenders will only fund farms which stay with “Big Ag.” Farmers need independent investment partners in order to make the shift to a profitable, organic future. There is enormous return-on-investment (ROI) potential in the Enviro.Farm™ opportunity.

ENVIRO.FARM (aka The Circular Farm)

Based on a patented, well-tested, regenerative, organic process that: